Exhibition in Scandic Hotel Syv Søstre

Utstilling ved Scandic Hotel Syv søstre i Sandnessjøen. På Scandic hotell i Sandnessjøen kan man se maleri fra Peacepainting-arbeidet.Maleriene er laget på våre verksteder rundt omkring i verden. I denne utstillingen har barn og unge fra Syria, Storbritannia, Polen og Afghanistan malt og laget tekster til, i en kontekst av likeverd og fred.


Painting from Peacepainting Poland for the Minister of Defense Søreide

Under minnemarkeringen av 75 år siden 2. verdenskrig i Narvik i mai 2015, fikk forsvarsminister Ine Eriksen Søreide overrakt et maleri av to polske ungdommer. Den polske presidenten var også til stede. De to ungdommene var sammen med ordføreren i Proszowice invitert til Narvik. Ungdommene var med på et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom norske og polske ungdommer fra Bindal og Proszowice. Under besøket i Norge hadde de polske ungdommene tema:" Munchs scream-my scream”. De besøkte Munch-museet i Oslo, og bildet ble malt på Bindalseidet på et maleverksted i 2014.

Forsvarsminister Søreide med maleri fra Peacepainting

Forsvarsminister Søreide med maleri fra Peacepainting

Peacepainting Exhibition at Bodø Airport

Avinor wrote the following in a press release in July 2013:

On Wednesday 17 July Bodø airport’s Peacepainting exhibition begins. The exhibition consists of 6 pictures from different nations and is found by Narvesen in the departure hall. The pictures can be seen by children and adults until next summer.

Peacepainting is an independent organisation with its origins in Bindal. The organisation arranges painting workshops for children and youth – such that they can express their thoughts about peace and friendship through a language without speech.

The painting workshops are held both nationally and internationally. Each participant comes forward with their own title and possibly some text about the picture. The message is imparted using a text sign which follows the picture at exhibitions. The most important thing is what the child wishes to impart and the aim is that children’s feelings shall be taken seriously.

- “When we concentrate on listening to and seeing what the children impart, it is certainly easier to remember how it is to be little. It is also easier to make decisions that promote life and variety – both when it applies to near and far relations,” says Catrine Gangstø in Peacepainting.

The pictures are exhibited both nationally and internationally. Today you can see Peacepainting exhibitions in the following Avinor airports:

· Kirkenes airport, Høybuktmoen · Brønnøysund airport, Brønnøy · Bodø airport.

After this, exhibitions have also arrived at these locations: Mosjøen, Namsos, Rørvik, Mo i Rana, Sandnessjøen and at the helicopter terminal in Brønnøysund.

Peacepainting Exhibition in Rouen Cathedral, France

The leadership in the cathedral in Rouen wished for a Peacepainting exhibition in connection with the celebration of Olaf’s baptism in 1014. Olaf the Holy was indeed baptised here 1000 years ago. The event and the training he received in France now strongly influence Norway. In the middle of October there were church services, concerts, talks and other markings of the anniversary in Rouen, with many Norwegian participants. Catrine Gangstø and Randi Størseth were there to arrange the exhibition and document the associated work.

At this marking, with this exhibition Peacepainting participates in promoting the idea of peace, and it focuses at the same time on the wish for peaceful coexistence across cultures in today’s picture of the world.


The exhibition shall hang in the cathedral the rest of the year and will create activities around the theme. Photographer Randi Størseth from Trondheim is making a presentation film.

Exhibition in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Department for the United Nations, Peace and Humanitarian Affairs.

Pictures painted by children in Tunisia and Norway were changed out with pictures painted by children from the Skolt Sami project carried out in Norway – Finland – Russia and a picture from the project in North Korea.







