Sponsored by Bamble Refugee Service in Norway
Bamble Refugee Service in Norway invited Peacepainting to have a week-long project in Bamble, Norway. This consisted of workshops and subsequent exhibitions at Bamble Municipality as well as the shopping centre AMFI Brotorvet.
Exhibiting the paintings gives us the opportunity to show each individual that their message is highly valued and that we want them to contribute to our society
Bamble Refugee Service is part of the Norwegian Adult Education. This is one of the most important institutions for helping refugees become integrated in Norway by learning about Norwegian language and culture .
Due to the significant influx of refugees to Europe and Norway, more and more municipalities are taking on important tasks in relation to settlement and integration. The municipalities' responsibilities are large and the tasks that must be solved to succeed with integration are extensive.
The workshops we have developed are excellent tools when people do not have the same background and language. Painting does not require language, and becomes a common platform for people to meet. Lifting up the participants’ messages with exhibitions gives us the opportunity to show each individual that their message is highly valued and that we want them to contribute to our society.