In cooperation with the EEA and the Polish Government, we created a larger project involving hundreds of people in Poland and Norway.
The participants of the project were youth from rural areas in Norway and Poland. This involved five youth exchanges, in which Polish youth from Proszcowice visited various villages in Norway and vice versa.
Areas involved
Hattfjelldalen, Norway
1500 inhabitants
Proszowice, Poland
6088 inhabitants
Herøy, Norway
1733 inhabitants
Bindal, Norway
1503 inhabitants
Zakopane, Poland
27266 inhabitants
During the exchanges, the youth received a host family for a stronger cultural immersion. As a common platform for the Polish and Norwegian youth to meet, we used our method of painting workshops.
When the Polish youth visited Hattfjelldalen, Norway, they also learned about the local Sámi culture. Hattfjelldalen has historically been (and still is) one of the traditional settlement areas for the Sámi in Norway. Peacepainting strives to support and lift minorities, and wanted to highlight this special culture. During the exchange, the Polish youth visited a Sámi cultural center as well as a Sámi school.
By: Christian Schmaler Photography