We had a fantastic painting workshop at a middle school in Alverca de Ribatejo.
Alverca de Ribatejo is situated very close to Lisboa, and has a population of 31,070.
At this particular school, there were many children who had come from Africa, (especially Somalia) as refugees. Our method has been very successful for integration work in the past, and was proven to work very well in this project also.
“We had a ‘problem student’ so to speak at the school. The student was very aggressive and violent towards the other students. She was a great challenge for the teachers. I could not believe my eyes. The most amazing thing happened during the Peacepainting workshop. It was as if she dared to open up. She completely softened up, changed her behaviour and painted a fantastic painting with a motive from her native country. All of us were very surprised by the change the workshop made in her. ”